The complete series set was pretty cool as a novelty item and the consistent labeling of the discs, but the lack of protection of the discs would drive me nuts the way they are in the package, and at the end of the day I would have done what I already did with my separate releases. But really, no matter what version of this you get, the on-disc content is the same. It may be cheaper than buying the 4 separate volumes. There's nothing wrong at this point with waiting for that season 3 set, though. And according the TVShowsonDVD announcement, that season 3 set will be the same discs relabeled again. Volumes 1 and 2 were season 1 and 2 respectively, and volumes 3-6 were Season 3 (plus the first episode of Season 4 which repeats on the first disc of season 4). The complete series set was all of the exact same discs from the volumes 1-6 and season 4-10 releases with new labels on them. What about the rest of you? Has anyone else missed out on a DVD collection that they really wanted?From what I understand, the only actual difference between the individual volumes, the discs in that complete series set, and the discs that will be in that season 3 set is literally just the label on the disc.

Still, I am still kicking myself for missing out. Heck, the volumes I am missing are being re-released in season format in July.

Granted, I can buy the individual sets, or even go to eBay at a later date. Then my expenses ended up being more than I expected, and when I last checked Amazon, I sadly discovered it's already out of print. My collection stalled after Season 4 and I was missing Volumes 3-6 besides that, so i was ecstatic about being able to finish my collection in one shot. Ever since I first heard it was coming last year, I had been wanting to pick up the complete collection of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.